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RHOVIT - BlockChain Platform For Gamers

About Project

RHOVIT is a reward-based content platform for gamers, content creators, and other artists. The platform aims at helping you earn while getting entertained. You get points and tokens for unlocking content, and the creators directly get rewards in monetary terms every time you unlock their content. You can also get games and gaming applications over the platform at a discounted price. It is basically an entertainment-based, gamified content platform that gives you rewards and benefits.

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RHOVIT – BlockChain Platform For Gamers
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Release date

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Working Hours



Release date

Release date

working (1)

Working Hours

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Business Challenge

Earning money, this is a quest everyone can always find themselves in, and the major quest is earning easy money. Everyone wants to earn, but by doing something that makes them happy, that keeps them entertained. So, the customer wanted to provide people some platform where people could make money with their creativity and content and make it easy for people to sell out their content. A perfect platform for gamers and blockchain enthusiastic to turn this vision of the customer into a reality is what posed as a business challenge. 

Business Solution

The customer had the perfect vision in mind, and with further thought, discussions, and brainstorming, we came up with a solution for creating a web application to build up the platform. With this web application, content creators can substantially increase their earnings. All they have to do is put their content over the platform, and then every time someone unlocks that content, the creators get rewards monetarily. Not only that, even the user of the content gets rewards in the form of RBITS and Tokens, which is a form of cryptocurrency. The user can use these tokens to buy content from the platform. It is a wonderful application for gamers, and they can get gaming consoles and gaming applications here at a discounted price. You earn and get rewarded for everything you do over this platform. So, you enjoy and you earn. The endeavor is to provide people with something that can add value even to their entertainment.  

Applied Technologies


Our Role in Client Success

Since the client had a clear vision of what was needed, it was not very difficult to come up with a solution. With regular communication and discussion with the client, we proposed our idea of making this application. The next step was to evaluate the right technology, method, and process best suited for the application. We finally reached the conclusion to use Agile Scrum Methodology with backend in Node 8, frontend in Angular 6 and MySQL for database. Following the methodology efficiently, creating wireframes, implementing client suggestions and iterations, Team Zehntech came up with the functional web application completely meeting the client expectations and fulfilling the client’s vision and needs.

Our Client Says

Group 133162

“It has been a great experience working with Zehntech. They have a wonderful set of skills and talent and they perfectly know how to use that talent and skills to the maximum advantages. They are a great IT solutions partner providing the most impressive solutions and services. ”

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