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6 Amazing Key Features of AWS Cloud Computing

To scale a business within a few minutes, you need to work on increasing more resources in your infrastructure and setting up a team to maintain the infrastructure. All this requires a huge of capital to be invested, which can be useless after the project suffers downfall or after peak hours. To sustain such issues, a cloud environment is the best solution to handle and manage such workloads.


Cloud computing is one solution to offload your computing, network, and data handling headache to the cloud provider and focus on improving your business needs instead of maintaining infrastructure.


Key features of AWS

Low cost

The most crucial factor to remember when working on any problem solution is to make it cost-effective. To own an infrastructure for growing needs or day-to-day development or deployment, you need to have an expert team to carry out operations. The other factors incurring costs can be power supply, cooling machines, and a geographic location to set up all the infrastructure.

To counter all the above factors, the cloud provides the required infrastructure to fulfill consumption and maintain the organization’s needs. You have no limits to your infrastructure when using AWS. In contrast, in an on-premises architecture, whatever you have as your infrastructure, has a specific limit and cannot go beyond it.

AWS offers many different plans that can be continued with no upfront investment or a minimum fee to start with an AWS account. You don’t need to worry about the growing needs of the business or the quiet hours. AWS is flexible enough to scale up or down the resources per your needs.

AWS being so broad and capable of handling huge loads, reflects changes within seconds. The ability to respond to any change is quicker, no matter whether the difference is big or small. You need to define the correct requirements, and AWS will handle all the ups and down.

Flexibility in AWS

Traditional models are used to deliver IT solutions that require investments in a new architecture implementation and operating systems. To maintain the whole new infrastructure, you need time to adapt the old architecture to new technologies, which can result in slow business capability.

AWS provides numerous choices to choose which programming models, languages, or operating system is best compatible with your application. You don’t need to worry about shifting your team to new technologies to upgrade your architecture.

After adopting the AWS cloud, you would still feel like you are working on pre-existing IT resources. AWS provides a hybrid option, too in support of organizations who have separate data of the application. Some reside in their data center, whereas others are in the cloud.

The productivity of your application is maintained due to low down even after upgrading technologies or updating the software. It would be best if you had proper planning with AWS partners to adopt the right solution for your business.


AWS offers a wide range of security services that safeguard your data from all entities except the one you decide to allow access to your data.


At AWS, the confidentiality of data is maintained even though the AWS employees cannot decrypt your data while managing and maintaining the availability of your data.


To maintain the physical security of data centers, AWS has gained much more experience than any other cloud provider. For years, AWS has been constructing regions worldwide, operating large-scale data centers secured with highly professional staff, and preventing unauthorized access. Every AWS service is highly secured and non-vulnerable to any loophole. Also, the maintenance team is continuously working hard to maintain availability.



When you don’t have an approximate idea of client requirements, continuously scaling up and down will cost in an irregular manner, which can harm the business benefits.


The term serverless defines running a service without being concerned about its computation power; any application can freely utilize the computing power of the serverless options available by the AWS offerings. The development team need not worry about the infrastructure. They can purely focus on the improvements of the application.


Applications can deliver the best experience to their users, and no need to think about the provisioning and un-provisioning of the servers manually. AWS handles the server management for you, such as scaling, patching, and administration of the infrastructure.


The user needs to upload the code, and the serverless cloud function such as Amazon API and Amazon Gateway can help users by running the code and scaling it upon the application’s requirements.



AWS offers a wide range of databases for multi-purpose applications requiring real-time caching database store, highly scalable. They are categorized in below categories:

1. ​​​​​Relational Database

It is a collection of data items that have pre-established relations between them, the data items in them are stored in the form of rows and columns, combinedly known as tables. The table rows represent the corresponding values of one object or entity in a collection. Each row in a table is a unique key known as the primary key. Data retrieval is possible in many ways without modifying the database tables.

Critical points in Relational Databases:

  • SQL
  • Data Integrity
  • Transactions
  • ACID

2. Non-relational databases

It is a type of database that does not follow the relational database model. Instead, it uses various data models such as the key value, document, graph, etc. These databases are purposely built for specific data models and have schemas for building modern applications. The data can be recognized with ease of development and performance in scaling.

These databases are specifically optimized for applications requiring high performances, such as large data volume and low latency. They are the best fit for many modern applications such as web, mobile, and gaming, which require scalable and flexibility, providing excellent user experience to the end users.


  • Flexibility

  • Scalability

  • High performance

  • Functionality

3. Data Warehouse

It is a specially designed-database that can be used for data analytics. It comprises of reading large amounts of data to recognize the relationship between the data and extract information through it.

It can also be a master repository of information that is analyzed to make more informed decisions on the data. Data flows into the warehouse from transactional systems, relational databases, and many other sources. Data warehouses can contain multiple databases in it; within each database, the data is organized into tables and columns.

  • Decision making
  • Data consistency and accuracy
  • Separation of analytics from transactional databases

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Benefits of Databases

1. In-memory Data Store

The in-memory databases are primarily built to rely on memory for data storage primarily; They are designed to enable the response time to eliminate much less time in accessing the data. In memory, databases risk losing data on process or server failure. They can persist data on disk by storing each operation by taking snapshots. In-memory databases are:

  • Amazon ElastiCache for Redis

It is a fast, in-memory caching service that enables the microsecond latency to power real-time applications; You can use an in-memory non-relational database for caching or in cases that do not require high data durability. The Redis cluster configuration supports up to 15 shards and enables workloads up to 6.1TB of in-memory capacity in a single cluster. You can add or remove shards as per your requirements, and scaling can be done for your Redis cluster.

  • Amazon Memory DB for Redis

It is a Redis-compatible, durable in-memory service delivering ultra-fast performance. It enables customers to quickly build an application using the Redis data structures, APIs, and commands; Memory DB allows you to achieve microsecond read and single-digit millisecond write latency and high throughput. The Amazon Memory DB stores your data across multiple AZs to enable failover, database recovery, or node restarting.

  • Amazon ElastiCache for Memcached

It is an in-memory key-value store service used as a data store or a cache. It is a fully managed, scalable, secure ElastiCache for frequently accessed data that must be in the memory. The Memcached performance and ease of performance is the best choice for Web applications, gaming, and e-commerce platforms.

2. Graph Database

These databases are used to store and navigate relationships. It stores data entities and edges to store relationships between entities. There is no limit to a node’s number and kind of relationships. A graph in the graph database can be traversed along specific edge types or across the entire graph. Ex. Amazon Neptune


AWS Cloud Computing is one of the most popular providers, with more than 200+ services and growing. It has greatly impacted the deployment of applications to going Serverless with lots of add-on services maintaining high availability almost every time. AWS has been the top service provider in the Gartner list for 11 straight years, with the low pricing models serving applications worldwide. 

The services provided by AWS work on a pay-as-you-go model, capturing a whopping 33% market share and leading from the front. It focuses on high availability, with a total of 30 geographical regions to date and many more upcoming. In all it has provided developers a platform to explore more and innovate without worrying about the infrastructure needs. 

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