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A Mobile Application Can Increase Engagement on Your LMS by 70%

When you are creating a learning management system, there are some primary factors that you take into consideration. You want to ensure that your learning management system is user-friendly, has amazing content, and offers the UI/UX that keeps the users engaged with the courses you are providing.

This urges you to create a customized learning management system over platforms such as Learn Dash. However, if you give further thought to it, do you think that deploying your e-learning courses and content on an LMS that runs over a web browser will bring you the expected engagement and participation from the learners?

Besides having a functional LMS platform, you have to make sure that it’s accessible and provides an excellent user experience, and the best way you can ensure access to your LMS is by making it available over mobile.

However, most LMS developers go as far as creating a responsive LMS website for providing mobile experiences to the users. But, is that enough?

Well, you may know that it’s not the ultimate key considering the struggle you might face in bringing engagement to your web-hosted responsive e-learning platform.

In today’s scenario, people are keen on using mobile applications rather than websites. You open a website, if it has its mobile application, you are sure to receive a prompt to download it, and you will download it if you know that you’ll be a frequent user. A mobile application is accessible more easily. You don’t have to take the pain to reach out to your browser, type the name of the software you want to access, and wait for the links to show, click on them, and then finally reach the platform. With a mobile app for it, you can access it with a single tap on your phone. So, mobile applications are more popular and more engaging.

With that said, mobile development services can be the key to bringing more engagement to your LMS platform. Statistics reveal that a mobile application can bring up to a 70% increase in engagement over an LMS. So, if you take up mobile development services, they can work out, in the long run, to bring growth to your LMS.

Let’s talk about this in more detail and go to the depths of how a mobile application can increase user engagement for your LMS.

Benefits of Developing a Mobile App for Your LMS

Ease of Access

A mobile application provides significant ease of access to the courses and content on your LMS and in fact the learning management system as a whole. Mobile is a device in every person’s hands today and they find significant ease in using it.

When your e-learning platform is over a mobile application, the learners don’t have to stick to a PC or laptop. They can simply open their mobile phones and start learning from any place at any time.

Almost 64% of the learners accept that they find a mobile application more convenient for e-learning. And that is apt. A mobile application can allow you to learn even when you are travelling on a bus or metro. So, you can utilize your time productively if you have better means for accessing a platform.

With more ease of access, the users are able to be more active on your platform and remain more focused and engaged.

Better Learning Experience

While you can create a highly responsive e-learning platform and LMS, it will still be far from the experiences a mobile application can give. If the users are using a responsive platform for e-learning, they can get millions of notifications which can be related to the cookies, other tabs on their browser, etc., and such notifications are distracting.

Moreover, responsiveness plays with the design aspect of the platform and sometimes, the content over it may get clumsy and difficult to understand. So, it’s safe to conclude that a responsive platform is not specifically designed for mobile learning.

On the contrary, a mobile application is. When you deploy the e-learning courses over a mobile application, not only are you giving ease of use and accessibility to the learners but better mobile learning experiences as well.

The users can access the applications, put off other notifications, and that can keep them more focused on the courses and learnability.

Better experiences and more focus are directly proportional to increased engagements.

Ability to Send Important Alerts

When your users are accessing your courses over the web, it’s difficult to reach them out for important messages and alerts. However, with a mobile application, you can add functionalities for sending alerts and push notifications.

A user tends to instantly open any notification coming to their mobile phones. So, you can reach out to your learners in real-time and make sure that they are getting notifications about new classes and courses. This can make the users feel more connected to your platform and in turn bring more engagements.

So, you have amazing benefits of bringing your e-learning courses and LMS to a mobile application, and knowing them, you will surely want to do that. After all, who doesn’t want to increase their business engagement? But, which mobile development services and platform must you use to leverage these benefits? That’s a big question before you!

What Kind of Mobile App Will Be the Best to Drive Increased Engagement to the LMS?

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When you are talking about e-learning, your target audience is vast. There are users who are using Android phones and there are those as well who use iOS phones. You know that you’ve got to target the learners using both the devices and in that scenario, a cross-platform mobile application is the best solution.

Of course, native applications can give more enhanced experiences, but, creating separate applications for different devices with different technologies can be hectic as well as costly. So, hybrid app development is the way to go. Moreover, with Flutter Development Solutions and Services, you can easily create a cross-platform mobile application within minutes with a native look, feel, and experience over it.

So, Are You Ready to Leverage the Benefits of Mobile Learning?

With the upsurge in e-learning as well as the growing trend and inclination towards mobile applications, blending both together and providing your courses and content through a cross-platform mobile application will work great to bring business success through higher engagement over your LMS.

So, when are you bringing your LMS over a mobile application?

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