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Can you improve your project management skills by using Odoo 16 Gantt Chart and Calendar View?

A question lies whether the Odoo 16 Gantt Chart and Calendar View are effective tools to improve your project management skills. That being said, the first process to make it happen is to understand what project management is as well as the steps to identifying the elements that can improve its effectiveness in the workplace. 


The term project management is basically a process. It applies  knowledge, utilizes skills and tools to achieve a positive outcome. From thinking about it, to planning the tasks and to making it happen. Moreover, the way it is delivered or achieved is within its agreed limits as well such as time, budget and even resources. 


For many years, a lot of companies have evolved. More than 50% of the companies have accepted the importance of project management and the usage of effective resources to make it happen. 


The Global Gantt Chart Software Market is expected to generate a CAGR of 7.8% over the forecast period from 2023 to 2027. With the market size estimated to be valued at US$ 8.2 billion by 2027 as well. 


Moreover, according to the Verified Market Report, the Global Gantt Chart Software Market was valued at US$ 4.7 billion in 2020 and it continues to rise today.

Elements of Project Management

I will be sharing here the key elements of project management. It addresses the things that must be considered to ensure a positive outcome. 

1. Crafting an idea: This is the seed of the idea that you want to achieve. This is the foundation. It comprises the scope, tasks, budget, resources, and even the objectives that need to be achieved. It is similar to a blueprint prepared by a civil engineer, the planning is the core foundation of your project management. 


2. Executing the idea: This is the stage wherein the plan comes to life. This is the phase where people come together, the tasks are divided and the distribution of resources are evenly passed around. This is the moment when the plan becomes a tangible reality. 


3. Monitoring and control phase: This is the period where progress is monitored, and the plans are adjusted accordingly to meet a desired outcome. Also, this period is a crucial one because it identifies the risk and mitigating it. Quality control also comes at this point. It ensures that all tasks are on track, and the roadblocks are resolved and promptly dealt with. 


4. Open line of communication: For every project management, an open line of  communication is vital. When stakeholders are not informed of the progress, it can be problematic for the project. It is paramount that issues, decision makings and all progress are communicated to everyone involved to ensure a positive outcome. 


5. Closing phase: This is the final piece of the puzzle. This is the moment when all of the hurdles are surpassed and the project is finally completed or delivered. This is also the moment of evaluation for everyone, to identify if the goal was met, if the loopholes were resolved and the goals were achieved. 

Indeed, project management is not limited to one process  but it works with a wide range of activities. From the plan’s inception, launching, marketing campaign, and its complex steps, it can be considered a successful project management when organisations achieve their goals more efficiently.

Basic benefits of project management

1. Increased output and quality: When the tasks are divided into smaller tasks, it is easy to manage. It also promotes a better outcome. For one, it can produce a positive outcome when it is assigned to each and everyone that possesses the skill sets to make it happen.


2. Better results: When properly utilised, the outcomes, the final product or the delivered services will yield better results and of high calibre as well. 


3. Decreased expenses: Project management can assist in lowering costs and preventing delays by recognizing and reducing risks. It’s similar to foreseeing possible hiccups on the road and taking preventative measures to avoid them, thus saving time and money for the company.

4. Enhanced satisfaction from stakeholders: Project management can contribute to a higher level of satisfaction from stakeholders. Through keeping them informed and involved. 


Things aside, project management is an essential element for anyone hoping to succeed in any form of organization. No matter how big or little the project may be, you may increase your chances of success by applying project management into practice.  


Now that we have a clear understanding of what project management is, let us delve deeper into some of the applications that can promote and render better outcomes for your project.

An Overview of Odoo 16 Gantt Chart

A company’s success depends on its projects. Every business has a unique collection of projects. Within a firm, there are a plethora of approaches to managing them. For example, a project goes through a number of steps from start to finish.  It is a difficult task to manually and continuously maintain such a procedure. Nonetheless, the company’s project management is improved if an  Odoo 16 Gantt Chart Module is used. 


A Gantt chart is a graphic depiction of a project schedule that displays the beginning and ending dates of every activity. It bears Henry Gantt’s name, who invented the chart in the early 1900s as a tool for organizing and supervising extensive manufacturing undertakings.

Now let’s see how to add a Gantt view using Studio:

  • Select a module where you want the Gantt view and then click on the studio icon. 
  • The Gantt Chart Integration in Odoo 16 feature is one of the  most useful tools for project management is the Gantt view. It lets you monitor your project’s progress over time. It also  visually represents the tasks at hand as well.

Gantt Chart Integration in Odoo 16

You must first create a project in order to use the Gantt view. Tasks can be added to a project once it has been created. Every task has a duration, a start date, and an end date. Additionally, other elements between jobs can be added.

You can see the tasks in your project and their dependencies in the Gantt view. To modify a task’s start and finish dates, drag and drop the task only. In order to see more or less detail, you can easily zoom in and out of the Gantt view as well. 


Using the Gantt chart to monitor the project timeline in Odoo 16 is highly recommended. You can see which tasks are behind schedule and which are on track.  The Gantt view can also be used to spot possible issues with the project timetable as well. 

Features of Gantt view in Odoo 16

  • Assign and oversee duties for 
  • Increase task dependencies
  • Monitor development over time
  • Enter and exit the Gantt chart.
  • Determine any possible issues with the timeline for your project.

Crucial tips for Odoo 16’s Gantt view

  • Use the zoom feature to get the level of detail you need.
  • Drag and drop tasks to change their start and end dates.
  • Add dependencies between tasks to create a realistic project schedule.
  • Use the Gantt view to track progress over time and identify potential problems.


Here's a guide to Gantt Chart integration in Odoo 16

1. Activating the feature 

  • Although Odoo 16 lacks a separate Gantt Chart module, the Project Management module does feature an integrated Gantt view. 
  • To access it, select the Gantt view tab after opening a project by going to Projects > Projects.

2. Key Features

  • The Gantt view displays tasks as horizontal bars, with their start and end dates on a timeline. Dependencies between tasks are shown as arrows. Also, understanding the process of the Gantt Chart Visualization in Odoo helps the team to make realistic planning and preparation. 
  • Manage tasks: Create, edit, and delete tasks directly within the Gantt view.
  • Track progress: Monitor task progress visually through colour-coded bars (e.g., green for completed, red for overdue).
  • Zoom and filter: Adjust the timeline (day, week, month, year) and filter tasks based on status, assigned users, or other criteria.
  • Identify potential issues: The Gantt view helps spot scheduling conflicts or delays early on.

3. Personalizing  the settings 

  • Additional features: For more advanced Gantt chart functionalities, explore third-party modules from the Odoo Apps store, such as: Project Gantt View V16 and Odoo Gantt View Base
  • Custom development: For specific needs, consider custom development through Odoo Studio or coding.

4. Benefits of Using Gantt Charts in Odoo 16:

  • The usage of Project Progress Tracking with Gantt Charts in Odoo improves the project’s visibility and communication: The visual representation aids in understanding project timelines and dependencies, fostering better collaboration.
  • Enhanced task management and resource allocation: Efficiently track progress, identify bottlenecks, and make informed decisions about resource allocation.
  • Proactive issue identification: Spot potential problems early on, allowing for corrective actions to minimise delays and risks.
  • Overall project efficiency and success: Contribute to meeting deadlines and achieving project objectives effectively.

5. Taking into account 

  • Enterprise Edition: At the moment, only the Odoo Enterprise Edition offers the Gantt view.
  • Third-party modules: Before installing, carefully consider the features and price of any third-party modules.
  • Custom development: Determine whether custom development is necessary in light of the particular needs and resources at hand.

Gantt Chart Odoo 16 module for project management

While Odoo 16 doesn’t have a standalone “Gantt Chart” module, it provides robust Gantt chart functionality within its Project Management module.

Misconceptions of project management skills by using Odoo 16 Gantt Chart and Calendar View.

Although the Gantt Chart and Calendar views in Odoo 16 are useful tools for project management, depending only on them can result in misconceptions about the abilities needed for a project to be executed successfully. The following is a summary of possible drawbacks:

1. Misconceptions with Gantt Chart

  • Over-reliance on scheduling: The Gantt chart focuses heavily on visualizing timelines and dependencies, potentially downplaying the importance of other crucial aspects like communication, team dynamics, and risk management.
  • Micromanagement trap: Obsessively tweaking task durations and dependencies in the Gantt chart can lead to micromanagement, hindering team autonomy and creativity.
  • Ignores unforeseen circumstances: Projects rarely unfold exactly as planned. The Gantt chart’s static nature might overlook the need for adaptability and improvisation in response to unforeseen challenges.

2. Misconceptions with Calendar View

  • Focus on deadlines over outcomes: The calendar view emphasises due dates and deadlines, potentially overshadowing the broader project goals and objectives.
  • Task overload and inefficiency: Visually placing multiple tasks on the same day can create the illusion of feasibility, potentially leading to task overload and inefficiencies.
  • Limited visibility of dependencies: While some calendar views allow linking tasks, they might not offer the comprehensive dependency visualisation capabilities of a dedicated Gantt chart.

Practical Applications

Here are some practical applications of Odoo 16’s Gantt Chart and Calendar views, along with illustrative examples:

1. Project Planning and Scheduling

Gantt Chart: Visualize project tasks and milestones along a timeline, including dependencies and critical paths.


Example: A construction company uses the Gantt chart to plan the sequence of activities for a building project, ensuring tasks are completed in the correct order and on time.


Calendar View: Schedule tasks and appointments with clear due dates, visually representing workload and deadlines.


Example: A marketing team uses the calendar view to plan content creation and social media campaigns, ensuring timely execution and avoiding scheduling conflicts.


2. Resource Management

Gantt Chart: Assign tasks to team members, highlighting potential resource conflicts and overallocation.


Example: A software development team uses the Gantt chart to allocate developers to specific tasks, ensuring efficient use of resources and avoiding bottlenecks.


Calendar View: View team members’ availability, schedule meetings, and coordinate resources effectively.


Example: A customer support team uses the calendar view to manage shifts and ensure adequate coverage during peak hours.


4. Project Tracking and Progress Monitoring

Gantt Chart: Track task completion visually, identify delays, and adjust schedules proactively.


Example: A project manager uses the Gantt chart to monitor the progress of a website development project, identifying tasks that are falling behind and taking corrective actions.


Calendar View: View upcoming deadlines and track milestones, ensuring timely completion of deliverables.


Example: A sales team uses the calendar view to track progress towards monthly sales targets, identifying potential shortfalls and taking corrective measures.


5. Collaboration and Communication

Gantt Chart: Share project plans and timelines with stakeholders, fostering transparency and alignment.


Example: A project manager shares the Gantt chart with clients to keep them updated on project progress and expected completion dates.


Calendar View: Schedule team meetings, synchronise calendars, and facilitate collaboration.


Example: A team uses the calendar view to schedule regular project status meetings, ensuring everyone is on the same page and able to coordinate efforts.

6. Additional Applications

  • Sales pipeline management
  • Event planningCustomer support ticket tracking
  • Employee onboarding and training
  • Personal task management


On a side note, the usage of Gantt Chart software solutions in a variety of business processes is expected to be fueled by the predicted steady growth of the software market over the coming years.


The necessity for businesses to cut expenses and increase efficiency is what’s causing this increased demand. Additionally, the market is expected to rise as a result of the growing number of project-driven companies and the growing desire for improved collaboration.


Lastly, Odoo 16’s Gantt Chart and Calendar view are valuable tools, but they shouldn’t replace the human element of project management. Use these tools for implementing decisions. Also, prioritize developing well-rounded project management skills to effectively guide your team and achieve project goals.

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