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Complete Suite of Information on Rest APIs in Salesforce   

Rest API (Application Program Interface) is one of several web interfaces that you can use to access your Salesforce data without using Salesforce UI. With API access, you can do operations and integrate Salesforce into your applications.   

Rest API is based on using resource-pieces of data in Salesforce. These are records, collections of documents, metadata, or API information. A uniform resource identifier (URI) exposes each resource. By sending HTTP requests to the corresponding URI we can access it.  

Depending upon the construction and resource access, you can perform several types of operations

  • Access limits for your Salesforce org   
  • Retrieve object metadata   
  • Create, read, update and delete records   
  • Query and search for data   
  • We can send HTTP requests using various software tools with the exact appearance of a proposal that can look different from the URL. As we can say, a typical request consists of these elements:   
  • URI   
  • HTTP Method   
  • Headers   
  • Request Body   

Now we have talked about the definition of Rest API, but it works on some guiding principles, which are

  • Client-Server – As the Rest of the application should have a client-server architecture. A client is requesting resources and is not concerned with data storage, which remains internal to each server & a server is someone who holds the resources and is not worried about the UI or user state.   
  • Stateless: Rather than relying on the server to remember previous requests, the REST application requires each request to contain all the information necessary for the server to understand.   
  • Layered System: As Rest allows you to use a layered system architecture as it helps simplify clients, helps share caching, provides scalability, and provides legacy encapsulation.   
  • Code On Demand: It is the only optional constraint in REST. It allows clients to improve their flexibility because the server decides how certain things will be done. 
As we have talked about, the principles as it also works on sequential rules, which are
  • Rest API must accept and respond with JSON.   
  • Go with Error Status Codes.   
  • Don’t Use Verbs in URLs.   
  • Use plural nouns.   
  • Well-Mannered Documentation.   
  • Return Error Details in the Response Body.   
  • Use Resource Nesting.   
  • Use SSL/TLS.   

Knowing about the Operations, Principles, and Rules might have generated some curiosity in you for the Methods of the REST API.   

Methods of Rest Application Program Interface

Rest guidelines recommend using a specific HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol) method on a particular type of call to the server. These HTTP methods are as follows:   

  • HEAD   
  • GET   
  • POST   
  • PUT   
  • PATCH   
  • DELETE   

HEAD – used to retrieve object/record metadata as it returns a representation in JSON or XML format in the safe path & an http response.   

GET – retrieves information about the record/object as it returns to response code 200. It most often returns a 400 or 404 in error case.   

POST – Used to create a new object, particularly to create subordinate resources. As in some cases, if there is a successful creation, POST returns HTTP status 201, returning the location header with a link to the newly created resource.   

Patch – Its main use is to update fields in existing records with updates in operation. So we can send all the areas with the values in the request body, which must be updated.   

DELETE – As it is method-level annotation, this method indicates that the following will only respond to the HTTP DELETE request. It is used to terminate a resource identified by the requested URI. OR, in other words, we can say if you delete a resource, it is removed or gone forever.   

Integrating Salesforce through REST API is a tricky procedure and here is a smart way to do so

 For instance, visualizing your product’s data right within a Salesforce component. While there are advantages to being a part of this ecosystem, it’s important to remember that there are also some disadvantages.


Representational State Transfer integration is much more straightforward, focusing on transmitting data from your application and extracting data from Salesforce. There is no cost currently associated with this integration example, but it’s worth noting that REST integrations are only available for Salesforce users on different enterprise plans.

There are different methods for connecting REST API in Salesforce

  • Connecting REST API using AUTH.
  • Connecting Representational State Transfer to Salesforce using HEVO Activate.
Do you know the Role of a REST API Developer?

A REST APIs developer is a highly skilled individual who can efficiently build APIs that cater to the diverse needs of customers.  

After gaining some meaningful information about REST API you might want to know the use of REST API in SALESFORCE   

To create, manipulate, and search data in Salesforce the use of REST API done by sending an http request to ending points in Salesforce.   


Use of REST API by a sample process   

  • Log in to the Postman app and navigate the REST folder in the Salesforce Application Program Interface collection.   
  • Use GET S-object to describe the resource.   
  • Create an account using REST API.   
  • Execute a query using REST API.   

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A glimpse of REST API Connector

REST connector is an interface to transfer data through HTTP without needing an extra transport layer. The advantage of the REST connector is that it may call up or offer REST-conforming web services via an URL. REST supports the most usual data formats, for example, JSON, XML, CSV, and HTML.   


REST API Connector Connects to Salesforce and authenticates, then request to Connect REST API and look at the response. Complete these prerequisites before you begin the quick start. Set up and use Salesforce Developer Edition to develop, stage, and test your API code against sample data.   


In simple words, to access REST API we use the Uniform Resource Identifiers.


A bunch of simple well-mannered operations acts upon the resource. Also, From their representation one has to decouple all the resources. This enables the clients to access the content in various formats, for example, HTML, XML, Plain Text, PDF, JPEG, JSON, JSON, and others. 


The metadata about the resource is made available and used to control caching, detect transmission errors, negotiate the appropriate representation format and provide access control.


So, in this article, you have learned about the REST APIs in Salesforce. This article also provides information on API, REST API, principles, methods, uses of REST API, REST API Connector, What is REST API Developer & Salesforce Integration Using REST API.

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