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Is Salesforce More Than Just CRM ? Exploring Its Versatility and Value

The CRM sector has been transformed by Salesforce. Salesforce has become the market leader in CRM due to its many cloud offerings, simple learning curve, and low cost. Before we discuss why Salesforce is more than simply a CRM, it’s essential to understand what CRM is. And how the CRM industry’s dynamics have altered due to Salesforce. Additionally, since Salesforce was introduced, demand for Salesforce specialists has surged.


CRM's Earlier History

In the past, organizations manually stored data. A person was recruited to add data to the file and maintain it locked up. Since it might easily be stolen or damaged by a natural disaster like a fire outbreak or flood, keeping the confidential material in a locker was not a secure solution. Laptops and PCs were introduced throughout time. People with experience using Word and Excel sheets were now engaged to keep data for the company.


Once more, it was a demanding job, and manual data errors were frequent. Due to the necessity of storing thousands of client records, large-scale organizations even encountered additional challenges. For the businesses, this data was crucial because their analysis would determine their revenues and seamless consumer interactions.


As a result, businesses require software to manage these enormous amounts of data precisely. They therefore need a tool that would handle data management in a single location. For different organizational departments to communicate effectively, centralized data storage was required. CRM was implemented to lessen all of these issues.

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What exactly is CRM?

Customer relationship management (CRM) refers to the technologies, practices, and strategies an organization uses to interact with and manage current and potential customers. This includes analyzing customer interactions throughout the customer’s life cycle. CRM focuses on improving customer service, strengthening business relationships, improving profitability, supporting customer retention, and driving revenue growth.


CRM collects and integrates customer data from different channels. The information needed for analysis is extracted from company websites, live chat, direct mail, phone calls, social media platforms, marketing materials, and other sources.


A CRM app will do all this and more because of the R in its name: relationship.


CRM applications are based on relationships. They will assist you in locating all of your contacts who work for the same company, as well as any messages sent regarding your work with that company. They’ll tell you who on your team last communicated with them so you can get an introduction, remind you what to discuss at your next meeting, and even send follow-up messages to help nurture leads.


Nagios Core and Zabbix are both open-source tools and free to use. Though Zabbix is absolutely free, Nagios offers a paid edition for enterprises. The Enterprise version, Nagios XI’s pricing commences from $2,000.


By subscribing and upgrading from the Core (free version) to the Nagios XI (paid edition), you enjoy no-demand scaling capabilities, multi-tenant abilities, infrastructure monitoring tools, graphs for capacity planning, and hundreds of other useful add-ons.

CRMs are broadly classified into four types

  1. Operational CRM

  2. Marketing CRM

  3. Collaborative CRM

  4. Analytical CRM

How Salesforce Achieved Industry Leadership?

Salesforce started its journey in 1999. This software ensures that you retain your customers and attract new customers to increase your sales. That’s why Salesforce is so prevalent in different market segments. In the current scenario, it is ranked as number one in CRM. Salesforce is more than CRM. It has all the features of traditional CRM, but in a way, it’s unique. Let me tell you why Salesforce offers three essential elements.

  • Software as a Service (SaaS): You can find pre-built software here. To get started, all you need is a good internet connection.
  • Platform as a service (PaaS): This allows you to create your own applications and websites. The speed with which an application or website can be completed in PaaS is far superior to that of an on-premise system.
  • Infrastructure as Service (IaaS): Gives you access to using cloud computing features over the internet.

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How Can We Use Salesforce More than CRM

While Salesforce is the world’s most popular CRM, it is also a powerful tool with numerous other applications you may be unaware of. Here are five ways Salesforce can help you improve and grow your business.


  • Integrated IT Solutions

Salesforce is about more than just improving the customer experience; it is about everyone involved—employees, customers, and partners. And, by utilizing Salesforce for IT, your company can create modern apps that meet the needs of all stakeholders. This boosts productivity by automating key processes. Improve scale, transparency, and security.


  • Sales

You’ve probably heard of Salesforce as a sales tool, but do you know everything it’s effective of? Salesforce for sales, in other words, it allows you to spend shorter time entering data and more time connecting with customers. A Salesforce consultant can assist you in creating a unique, repeatable sales process within the platform. You can ensure that no lead is left behind by using Salesforce Sales Cloud to track every interaction with prospects and customers. Furthermore, by utilizing other collaboration tools and products such as Pardot, you can fill your pipeline faster & equip your sales reps to sell more. Salesforce essentially provides you with a customizable view of your customers and a plethora of other features that help you grow and exceed your sales goals.


  • Services

Do you want to provide an experience that no one else can? The solution is Salesforce. Salesforce for service enables businesses to provide instant, personalized service through any channel. You can surpass customer expectations and grow your business by making the customer experience more personalized. Salesforce Service Cloud lets you personalize conversations regardless of where or how customers interact with your business. Deliver memorable discussions, whether you’re speaking with a customer from a contact center. With Salesforce for customer service, you can be more productive and provide the best customer experiences.

  • Marketing

Many Salesforce customers use this as their CRM, but many marketers are unaware that they are doing more business with Salesforce. Marketers use Salesforce to target the right people at the right time on the proper channels to build marketing strategies for the customer journey and automate engagement. With Salesforce Marketing Cloud, you can track and analyze your results to improve your customer experience. It also acts and reacts to the behavior of individual customers. Salesforce-certified Pardot consultants can also recommend automated processes to help you reach your business goals, analyze lead entitlements, lead development, and lead generation strategies and transform them into Pardot solutions.


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