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Invoicing Tool - Oracle Apex Development

About Project

Invoice processing is a handful of responsibilities that call for accuracy which is difficult to achieve with manual efforts due to human errors regarding calculations or other detailing concerns. The oracle apex tool for invoicing addressed the issue with prowess and provided a solution that efficiently deals with errors, can manage and control your invoices, review and adjust them online, and evaluate the detailed information that backs up your invoice amounts. The main intent behind the project was to automate the current manual bill generation system and maintain the products database, product invoices, data security, and user rights. 

Invoicing Tool Development in Oracle Apex 3
Invoicing Tool – Oracle Apex Development
Invoicing Tool Development in Oracle Apex 1


35 Days

Release date

Release date

May 2021

working (1)

Working Hours

160 Hours



35 Days

Release date

Release date

May 2021

working (1)

Working Hours

160 Hours

Ellipse 72
4 1
image 153 2
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Business Challenge

Manual invoice creation was accompanied by increased human efforts and reduced quality due to uncontrolled errors which have become a major concern and required a secured solution to streamline the whole procedure and aimed at escalating client retention by simplifying the management of records. An agile system was required to be designed in a manner that serves as a center for details of customers along with the number of services provided to them and the total bill for the services. The system not only must be versed with the power to generate the invoice but to send it via email or allow to download the same in PDF Format.

Business Solution

With the assistance of the oracle apex tool our diligent team of Oracle experts hammered away and brought in exitance an unprecedented tool that generates invoices automatically eradicating all the unproductive human efforts involved in creating the same. The invoices generated are forwarded seamlessly to the customers via emails that are not automated in order to make it customized for per client. The email allowed attachments in the mail in relation to the invoice to testament the charges involved in the bills. The solution brought ease by putting forward a tool that was capable of:


1. Narrowing the inaccuracy rate resulting from manual invoice generation by replacing the same with an automated advanced tool also saves time. 

2. The tool is favored due to its flexibility and fully functional attribute standardizing the invoice generation procedures. 

3. Promoting an Eco-friendly environment that eliminates the use of paper by generating a tool that creates invoices online and transfers them through mail or documents.

4. It increases the efficiency of the management by offering quality service to the products with custom features development and support the software. 


The solution was designed to meet the requirements which specifically mentioned that it must support the addition of a new customer and his additional details, adding the product or service description provided to the customer along with its rate and quantity of the service. And an auto-updating feature that updates in the database a new product or service is required by the customer if any.

Applied Technologies

channels4 profile

Our Role in Client Success

We strived to provide a solution that guards the data to maintain its integrity, allowing access only to the authorized person of the company who can access the company’s secured page on the system, and only users with valid passwords can view the user’s page. The performance of the system is augmented and the response time is seamless. The system is designed considering the knowledge aspect of a variety of users thereby bringing into place a simple but quality user interface that is easy to understand. 

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