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Tunjo Estudio - Magento Website Development

About Project

Tunjo Estudio is an e-commerce business selling art products, the designs of which are inspired by the Columbian identity. They aim to bring positivity, spirituality, and happiness to the life of their customers with their products and their merchandise consists of products such as tote bags, incenses, and incense burners, indoor plants, and ceramic pots that help them carry their vision. Team Zehntech helped them create and develop a functional e-commerce store over the powerful and robust Magento platform to support their products to reach a wider audience and bring business success.

1 Tunjo 4.svg
Tunjo Estudio
1 Tunjo 2.svg


2 Months

Release date

Release date

17 Aug 2020

working (1)

Working Hours

180 Hours



2 Months

Release date

Release date

17 Aug 2020

working (1)

Working Hours

180 Hours

Ellipse 72
4 1
image 153 2
image 173.svg

Business Challenge

Tunjo Estudio is an art gallery inspired by the ancestral Columbian identity and its history. They aim to relive the Columbian myths, rites, and beliefs through designs and promote spirituality and positivity with their products. The Columbian styles and uniqueness reflect in their products and all their products have a different vibe to them. They aim to promote this Columbian identity through their products across the world which brought them to the decision of expanding their operations as an e-commerce business. With that decision, Tunjo Estudio needed a robust and functional e-commerce website that could serve their business objectives and goals at best. The creation and development of this e-commerce website for the company posed as a business challenge.

Business Solution

Team Zehntech discussed the business goals, objectives, perspectives, and expectations with Tunjo Estudio at length and after a proper analysis and understanding of the business challenge at hand suggested them for the development of an e-commerce store over the robust Magento platform considering their wide range of products and plans to expand in the future. They were happy with the suggestion and our team of experienced and certified Magento professionals went ahead with the planning and development of the e-commerce website for Tunjo Estudio. The developers took care of every aspect during development keeping in mind all the needs and requirements of the client and delivered them the Magento website well within the time frame as per their expectations.

Applied Technologies


Our Role in Client Success

With the Magento e-commerce website that we created for Tunjo Estudio, they have been able to have a far better reach and get more audience for their products. They have established a good customer base and it is continuously growing. The website has made their products more reachable and also helped them give out more details about the products which better explains their significance, use, and Columbian identity. All this has helped them attract visitors and convert them to customers thereby making their e-commerce business reach a higher level of business success.

Our Client Says

Group 133162

“ We are highly impressed with the website that Team Zehntech has created for us. The website has helped us reach a wider audience and we have been very successful in achieving our goals of promoting Columbian identity, beliefs, myths, and rites through our designs and sell our products on a wider scale. With the website Zehntech created for us, we are able to scale our business and drive profitability and very thankful to Zehntech for their support every step of the way. We highly recommend them.”

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