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WordPress Staging Site: Why Do You Need It?

You have your functional website created for your business, and it is running well, working great. But then, you just happen to find a plugin that you think can enhance the functionalities of your website. You install the plugin on your website. But wait! What is this happening? Your website has suddenly stopped working! All your layouts are disturbed. Your functional website is nothing like it was. The plugin came through as a complete opposite of what you had thought. Does it sound something that has happened with you earlier? If you answered yes, then let me tell you that you are not the only person facing this.

Working with technology is a tricky business, and you need to be very careful with it. What happened to your website in the above instance of plugin installation might be a mistake on your part. There is a strong possibility that you missed out on a thing or two while the installation that led to the blunder. But these blunders can adversely affect the website’ s performance, and you might lose out a good number of your prospective clients. So, making direct changes to your live site is never a wise decision. It is important that you test beforehand any change that you are planning to make to your website. This is where you need a WordPress Development Site.

What is a WordPress Development Site?

A WordPress Development Site, which is also known as a staging site or testing site, is an offline version of a live WordPress website. It can be called a clone or a duplicate that looks exactly like the website. This website is visible only to you, and any changes you make to it shall not affect your live website in any manner. So, this is a platform that offers to test every change made to the website. You can make as many iterations as you want, and once you are satisfied that the change you are planning to make is perfect for your website, you can perform the final change to the live website.

Such a testing environment ensures that your live website is never affected and that the iterations you make to your live website are just perfect, giving out the experiences just like you have hoped for. So, such a website is essential for you to run your business website smoothly. In fact, every company that offers web development services suggests to first set up a development website before making the website live.

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Why Create a WordPress Development Site?

Besides the requirement to make no direct iterations to your live website, here are some more reasons to create a staging site.

A staging website offers convenience in testing. If you opt to test changes directly on your live website, you shall have your website down until the testing gets done. This will keep you under pressure to perform testing quickly, which can lead to some mistakes. Such mistakes can severely affect the performance of your website. With a staging site, you are under no such pressure. A staging site is an entirely different environment, and it does not have any effect on your live website. So, you can take your time to test changes on a staging site. This will ensure that the changes have been tested thoroughly and are perfect for the live website.


A staging website prevents the loss of customers and leads that could have occurred if you had made changes on the live website. The users seek out good user experiences, and that is not at all possible if your website is undergoing changes. In fact, until the changes you are making are perfect, every change will reflect on the WordPress website, or your website may simply crash. Such things will not be suitable for delivering excellent user experiences. The visitors will just leave your website and might never want to come back. The staging website eliminates this because you perform all the testing over it. After that, the final changes are made to the live website.


So, a staging website is basically a kind of magic in your hands that you can use to keep out from providing lousy user experiences by keeping your website functioning in a perfect manner even when it is undergoing changes. All you need to do for setting such an environment is a little technical knowledge of WordPress. If you want your website to keep it functioning properly, this is the ultimate resort for you. So, grab this solution for your WordPress website and make sure that you never have to panic about the changes you are making to your website.

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