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Basic Requirements in Zabbix Installation Process

Zabbix is an enterprise-class distributed open-source monitoring solution. Zabbix is released under the GPL and is, therefore, free for commercial and non-commercial use. Zabbix is an open-source monitoring software for various IT additions, including networks, servers, virtual machines (VMs), and cloud services. It also provides monitoring metrics such as network utilization, CPU, and disk utilization. Zabbix’s Web-based graphical user interface allows users to view their IT environment via customizable dashboards based on widgets, charts, network maps, slideshows, and reports. Zabbix can be deployed on-premise or in the cloud to give you complete control over your data. With Zabbix distributed monitoring, remote scripts collect data from multiple devices in distributed locations and summarize that data in a dashboard or report, for example: – Server availability across the country. Zabbix can send mail notifications based on predefined events in a user’s IT environment. The tool supports various operating systems such as Mac OS, Solaris, Linux, and many more. The tool uses a separate database to store the data and monitor the applications.

Zabbix lets you automatically detect problem conditions within the incoming metrics flow and maintain control of your infrastructure. It allows you to track millions of metrics from any source and is very flexible regarding threshold definition options. Zabbix delivers its users with multiple messaging channels to inform the appropriate people about the different types of events in their environment. Real-time monitoring of all areas is possible to find problems in the network and on the servers. The Zabbix tool collects the data and analyzes it so that performance metrics can be created. The Zabbix tool uses encrypted communication so that the data can be protected. It consists of several components: a server, a web interface, a database store, an agent, and a proxy.

Requirements of Zabbix Installation Process (6.2 (current))

Supported platforms

Due to the monitoring server’s security requirements and mission-critical nature, UNIX is the only operating system that can consistently provide the required performance, fault tolerance, and resilience. Zabbix works with market-leading versions.


For the platforms listed below, Zabbix components are available and thoroughly tested:


Platform  Server Agent  Agent2
FreeBSD  – 
NetBSD  – 
OpenBSD  – 
HP-UX  – 
Mac OS X  – 
Solaris  – 
Windows  – 

Hardware requirements

Both physical and disc space are needed by Zabbix.

The number of hosts and characteristics being watched determines how much disc space is needed.

Allowing at least a few GBs of space in the database is recommended if you wish to preserve a lengthy history of the monitored parameters.

Multiple connections to a database server are necessary for each Zabbix daemon process.

The database engine’s configuration determines how much room is set aside for the connection.

CPU Requirements

Depending on the number of monitored parameters and the database engine selected, Zabbix, particularly notably the Zabbix database, may take a large number of CPU resources.

Other hardware

Zabbix’s SMS notification capability requires a serial communication port and a serial GSM modem.  
The USB-to-serial converter also functions.

Software Requirements

Modern web servers, top database engines, and the PHP scripting language are the foundation of Zabbix. 
The need for mandatory requirements is constant. For the support of the particular function, optional requirements are required.


Software Mandatory status Supported versions  Comments 
MySQL/Percona One of 8.0.X  Required if the Zabbix backend database is MySQL (or Percona). There must be an InnoDB engine. 
​​​​​​​For creating a server/proxy, we advise utilizing the MariaDB Connector/C library.
MariaDB  One of 10.5.00-10.8. There must be an InnoDB engine. 
For creating a server/proxy, we advise utilizing the MariaDB Connector/C library.
Oracle  One of 19c – 21c If Oracle is used as the Zabbix backend database, it is necessary.
PostgreSQL  One of 13.0-15.X If PostgreSQL is used as the Zabbix backend database, this is necessary.
Since Zabbix 6.2.4, PostgreSQL 15 is supported.
TimescaleDB for PostgreSQL  One of 2.0.1-2.8 If TimescaleDB is utilized as a PostgreSQL database extension, this is necessary. Install the compression-compatible TimescaleDB Community Edition.
Keep in mind that PostgreSQL 15 is not yet supported by TimescaleDB.
SQLite  Optional  3.3.5-3.34.X  It is only possible to use SQLite with Zabbix proxies. Required if the Zabbix proxy database is SQLite.
smartmontools Optional  7.1 or later For use with Zabbix agent 2.
who Optional    For the user count plugin, a requirement.
dpkg  Optional    For the system.sw.packages plugin, it is necessary.
pkgtool  Optional    For the system.sw.packages plugin, it is necessary.
rpm Optional    For the system.sw.packages plugin, it is necessary.


Modern web servers, top database engines, and the PHP scripting language are the foundation of Zabbix.

The need for mandatory requirements is constant. For the support of the particular function, optional requirements are required.


The Zabbix frontend’s minimum supported screen width is 1200px. 

The necessity for mandatory requirements is constant. For the support of the particular function, optional criteria are also required. 


Software  Mandatory status Version Comments 
Apache yes  1.3.12 or later   
PHP  yes 7.4.0 or later, 
8.0, 8.1
PHP extensions:      
gd  yes 2.0.28 or later  PNG images (—with-png-dir), JPEG images (—with-jpeg-dir), and Free Type 2 images must all be supported by the PHP GD extension (—with-freetype-dir).
bcmath  yes   php-bcmath (–enable-bcmath) 
ctype yes   php-ctype (–enable-ctype)
libXML yes 2.6.15 or later
php-xml, if the distributor offers it as a separate package.
xmlreader yes   php-xmlreader, if the vendor offers it as a separate package.
xmlwriter yes   php-xmlwriter, if the distributor offers it as a separate package.
session yes   php-session, if the distributor offers it as a separate package.
sockets yes   php-net-socket (—enable-sockets). 
necessary to support user scripts.
mbstring yes   php-mbstring (–enable-mbstring) 
gettext yes   php-gettext (—with-gettext) (—with-gettext). need for translation to function.
ldap No    hp-ldap.Only necessary if the frontend uses LDAP authentication.
openssl  No    php-openssl. Only necessary if the frontend employs SAML authentication.
mysqli No    If MySQL is used as the Zabbix backend database, it is necessary.
oci8 No    If Oracle is used as the Zabbix backend database, it is necessary.
pgsql No    If PostgreSQL is used as the Zabbix backend database, it is necessary.


The following external frontend libraries are included with Zabbix: 


Library Mandatory status Minimum version Comments 
jQuery JavaScript Library  Yes  3.6.0  JavaScript package that makes cross-browser development easier.
jQuery UI Yes  1.12.1 A collection of jQuery-based user interfaces interactions, effects, widgets, and themes.
OneLogin’s SAML PHP Toolkit  Yes  4.0.0 A PHP toolkit that enhances support for SAML 2.0 authentication for Zabbix login.
Symfony Yaml Component  Yes  5.1.0  Adds assistance for YAML-formatted export and import of Zabbix configuration items.

Web browser on the client side

JavaScript and cookies both need to be enabled.

Supported browsers include the most recent stable versions of Apple Safari, Microsoft Edge, Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, and Opera.


Mandatory requirements are always needed. For the support of the particular function, optional criteria are required. 


Requirement  Mandatory status Description 
libevent Yes  Perl Compatible Regular Expression (PCRE) support requires the PCRE/PCRE2 library.
Depending on the GNU/Linux distribution, the nomenclature may vary, for instance, “libpcre3” or “libpcre1.” 
There is support for PCRE versions 8.x and 10.x (as of Zabbix 6.0.0).
libpthread  Yes  Communication between processes is necessary. Version 1.4 and up.
libresolv Yes  necessary to support mutex and read-write locks
libiconv  Yes  is necessary for DNS resolution. 
libz Yes  necessary for text encoding and format conversion (could be part of libc). Required for Linux Zabbix server
libm Yes  necessary to support compression.
libmysqlclient Yes  a math library. Only the Zabbix server needs this.
libmariadb  One of the necessary if MariaDB is employed.
libclntsh One of the necessary if Oracle is employed. Versions 10.0 and above.
libpq One of the a need if PostgreSQL is employed. 9.2 or a later version.
libsqlite3 One of the necessary if Sqlite is employed. Only a need for a Zabbix proxy.
libOpenIPMI No necessary to support IPMI. Only necessary for Zabbix servers.
libssh2 or libssh No needed for SSH verifications. Version 0.6.0 or above; version 1.0 or higher (libssh2) (libssh).
Since Zabbix 4.4.6, libssh is supported.
libcurl No Required for web. page.* Zabbix agent items, HTTP agent items, Elasticsearch, VMware monitoring, 
SMTP authentication, and (if used). Version 7.28.0 or a later version is advised.
Version requirements for libcurl:
​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Version 7.20.0 or above for SMTP authentication
Version 7.28.0 or higher of Elasticsearch
libxml2 No need for XML XPath preparation and VMware monitoring.
libnetsnmp No necessary to support SNMP. It must be 5.3.0 or later.
libunixodbc No necessary for maintaining databases.
libgnutls or libopenssl No necessary while utilizing encryption.
Versions required: libgnutls 3.1.18 and libopenssl 1.0.
libldap No required to support LDAP
fping  No For ICMP ping objects, necessary.



Requirement  Mandatory status Description
One of 
Perl Compatible Regular Expression (PCRE) support requires the PCRE/PCRE2 library.
Depending on the GNU/Linux distribution, the nomenclature may vary, for instance, “libpcre3” or “libpcre1.” 
There is support for PCRE versions 8.x and 10.x (as of Zabbix 6.0.0).
necessary for monitoring logs. Windows also need this.
libpthread  Yes  necessary to support mutex and read-write locks (could be part of libc). Not necessary for Windows.
libresolv  Yes  is necessary for DNS resolution (could be part of libc). Not necessary for Windows.
libiconv Yes  It’s necessary for text in log items, file content, file regex, and rematch items to be converted to UTF-8 encoding and format (could be part of libc). Not necessary for Windows.
libgnutls or libopenssl No  If utilizing encryption, necessary. Libopenssl 1.0.1 and libgnutls 3.1.18 are the minimum requirements.
It is necessary to have OpenSSL 1.1.1 or later on Microsoft Windows.
libldap No  necessary if LDAP is employed. Not compatible with Windows.
libcurl  No  Items that are Zabbix agents required for web pages. Not compatible with Windows.
Version 7.28.0 or a later version is advised.
libmodbus  No  If Modbus monitoring is utilized, it is just necessary. Version 3.0 and up.

Agent 2

Requirement Mandatory status  Description 
libpcre/libpcre2 One of  Perl Compatible Regular Expression (PCRE) support requires the PCRE/PCRE2 library.
Depending on the GNU/Linux distribution, the nomenclature may vary, for instance, “libpcre3” or “libpcre1.” 
There is support for PCRE versions 8.x and 10.x (as of Zabbix 6.0.0). necessary for monitoring logs. Windows also need this.
libopenssl No
necessary while utilizing encryption. On UNIX platforms, OpenSSL 1.0.1 or later is necessary.
It is necessary to activate PSK functionality in the OpenSSL library. It does not support LibreSSL.
It is necessary to have OpenSSL 1.1.1 or later on Microsoft Windows computers.

Golang libraries

Requirement  Mandatory status Minimum version Description  Yes  1.X.X  Custom support library for Zabbix. primarily for plugin  Yes  0.0.0  Access sync, read/write locks. Yes  0.0.0  Covers the Chrome DevTools Protocol domains,
generated commands, types, and events.  Yes  0.6.0 Support for Chrome DevTools Protocol (report generation)  Yes  0.0.0  A go toolkit for the Memcached binary protocol.  Yes  1.2.0 A library that manages connections for MQTT. Yes  1.4.9 
file system notifications for Go across platforms  Yes  3.0.3 The Functionality of the LDAP v3 protocol for the GO programming 
​​​​​​​language.  Yes  1.2.4  Golang’s Win32 ole implementation.  Yes  4.1.0  D-Bus native Go bindings. Yes  1.5.0 the MySQL driver Yes  0.20.1  Driver for Oracle DB.  Yes  2.0.3 driver for sqlite3 Yes  3.5.0  Redis customer. Yes  3.0.1  binary client for Memcached.  Yes  1.1.43  library for DNS.  Yes  0.0.1  Key-string store with embeddable filesystem mapping. Yes  0.1.0 Modbus implementation that is fault tolerant. Yes  0.0.0 Go packages for interacting with the operating system at a low level.
used in the plugin support lib as well. employed in the MongoDB plugin.  On Windows  0.0.0 Implementation of named pipes in Windows.
used in the plugin support lib as well.  Yes, indirect1  0.1.0  Modbus serial library.  Yes, indirect1  0.0.0  error-manipulation tools.  Yes, indirect1  1.0.0 ASN1 BER encoding/decoding library. No, indirect1 1.8.0  No, indirect1 0.0.1 No, indirect1 1.13.6  No, indirect1 1.0.0 No, indirect1 1.0.2  No, indirect1 1.0.2  No, indirect1 0.0.0  No, indirect1 0.0.0  


According to the definition of “indirect,” it is a library that the agent uses. Given that Zabbix makes use of the package-using library, it is necessary. 


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Database size

Zabbix configuration data don’t expand too much and only take up a certain amount of disc space.


The following factors, which determine how much historical data is stored, largely determine the size of the Zabbix database:


  • Number of processed values per second
  • Housekeeper settings for history
  • Housekeeper setting for trends
  • Housekeeper settings for events

Time synchronization

On a server running Zabbix, having accurate system time is crucial. The most well-known daemon for synchronizing the host’s time with other computers is ntpd. On all systems where Zabbix components are active, synchronized system time is highly advised. On a server running Zabbix, having accurate system time is crucial. The most well-known daemon for synchronizing the host’s time with other computers is ntpd. On all systems where Zabbix components are active, synchronized system time is highly advised.

Network requirements

The list of open ports for each component is as follows, and it applies to the default configuration. 


Port  Components 
Frontend  http on 80, https on 443 
Server  10051 (for use with active proxy/agents) 
Active Proxy  10051 
Passive Proxy  10051 
Agent2  10050 
JavaGateway  10053 
WebService  10053 


The list of open ports for each component is as follows, and it applies to the default configuration. Zabbix is an open-source monitoring software program intended to keep an eye on network servers and applications and aid users in locating network performance bottlenecks. Superior data-gathering performance is offered by Zabbix, which scales to large environments. The tool offers several features to simplify tracking and troubleshooting threats and issues. Real-time sector monitoring is a solution for detecting network and server problems. Real-time sector monitoring is possible to identify network and server problems. Performance metrics are created by the Zabbix tool using data that has been collected and analyzed. The Zabbix utility employs encrypted communication to safeguard the data. The Zabbix utility is much less expensive, requires no additional installation steps, and is much easier to set up on the user’s computer. The tool offers a number of capabilities to make tracking and fixing threats and problems easier.

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