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Blogging and E-Commerce Business Go Hand in Hand

There has been a growing need among the businesses to create their digital presence to expand their operations and go global, beyond their traditional local boundaries. Businesses have greatly understood the importance of web development services and are also making extensive use of such services by creating their own functional and robust websites on various web development platforms and content management systems, two of the most used and popular of which are WordPress and Magento.


WordPress is an open-source content management system which initially started out as a platform for bloggers, and this is what makes it still the best platform for blogging. Any person who wants to start a blog or create a website for the sole or the major purpose of blogging, hands down, will prefer to get WordPress development services.


Magento is another open-source platform that is a dedicated e-commerce development solution. As WordPress is the king for blogging, Magento is the king for e-commerce, and you can get the most functional e-commerce stores and sites over these platforms.

Why to Integrate WordPress and Magento?

However, when you are running an e-commerce website, you need to know that you must indulge into blogging simultaneously, because that is the best way you can perform SEO over your website and drive traffic to it. Also, if you are running a blog, you can monetize it better by associating it with an e-commerce store where you can offer the products and services that you are blogging about. So, basically, e-commerce business and blogging often go hand in hand and a proper integration of both of them can go a long way in boosting the capabilities of your business.
You can do this easily by creating a blog over Magento using some extensions available in the Magento plugin directory, or by creating an e-store over WordPress by using a good e-commerce extension available over the WordPress plugin directory. But this may not let you have the best blog on your Magento e-store or the best e-store on your WordPress website. There might just be a better way and that is integrating Magento and WordPress together and getting the best of both these worlds. All you need to do for the integration is to use a Magento WordPress integration plugin and follow some very easy steps to launch it. Here is how you can integrate Magento and WordPress together.

How to Integrate Magento And WordPress?

You might either be having a Magento store and want to integrate WordPress into it or you may be having a WordPress website and you want to integrate Magento into it. You can perform the integration both ways. Whatever you might want to do, you need to use a plugin for the purpose.

Integrating WordPress into Magento

You can integrate a WordPress blog into Magento using the FishPig’s Magento WordPress Integration Plugin. You need to follow the following steps.

Step 1: Install WordPress in a different folder which can be in root directory or the sub-directory.
Step 2: Upon installation of WordPress, install the Magento WordPress Integration plugin to the platform.
Step 3: Log on to your Magento Admin and find “WordPress” in the Admin Panel. Navigate to “WordPress” and then click on “Settings”.
Step 4: Configure all the details over the Magento platform, enter the URL for your blog and the path to your WordPress installation directory.
Step 5: Once you have configured the details over Magento, you need to do the same over WordPress as well. Log on to your WordPress Dashboard, go to “Settings” and then click on “General”. You will find an option to fill in your Magento URL. Fill that correctly.

Once you do this, your Magento WordPress Integration is installed successfully and both your platforms are integrated to be used together.

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Integrating Magento into WordPress

For this integration, you need to directly install a plugin on your WordPress website. You can look out the WordPress plugin directory and select a good Magento WordPress integration plugin from there. You need to follow the following steps.

Step 1: Log in to your “WordPress Dashboard”, there find “Plugins” and then click on “Add New”.
Step 2: Add the required plugin and then go back to your WordPress Dashboard.
Step 3: On your Dashboard, navigate to “Settings”, here you will find an option “Mage/WP”. Click on this option.
Once you click on this option, you need to make the required settings. You need to set the php path for your Magento store, you need to set the Magento theme name and you also need to set the package name of your Magento installation. Basically you need to configure your Magento store to the WordPress Website.

Once you are done with all these settings and configurations, your Magento blocks will be on WordPress and you shall be done with the integration.

So, this is how you can integrate your WordPress blog and Magento store and take the most advantages of these two robust platforms thereby taking your business to a whole new level.

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