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Magento Migration: Not Only Favorable But a Necessity

Ever since Magento came up with its new release of Magento 2.0 in 2015, Magento migration has been a hot topic in the e-commerce world. And what has hyped the discussion is the recent announcement of Magento regarding support for Magento 1. It is official now that Magento will withdraw its support for Magento 1 in June 2020, and this announcement has no more left it just favorable to migrate. Instead, now you need to necessarily migrate to Magento 2 unless you want to go through the hassles of not having official support for the functioning of your website. Moreover, migration to the updated and latest version of the platform will provide you with additional benefits and abilities. Here is what you can get with Magento migration and what necessitates this migration for you.

Why should You Migrate to Magento 2.0?

  1. Security of Your Website  
    Security is crucial for any e-commerce website. There is enormous customer data which needs to be protected. The customers need to be assured that the data they are giving out and the transactions they are making are absolutely secure. So, security is at the priority for every e-commerce website. However, you will no longer be able to provide such security over Magento 1 once the support goes, because with the support will go the offerings of security patches. As soon as the security patches go, you can expect security breaches over your website, and you will not be able to get any help with that.  
    Migrating to Magento 2.0 is the absolute resolve for all of this. Not only will it support the security of your website, but it will make it better as well. 
  2. Maintaining Your Competitive Edge  
    With every business wanting to extend its local boundaries and come into the digital and global sphere, the competition in the e-commerce market is highly increasing. In such a competitive scenario, if you do not keep up with what is latest, you are sure to lose your competitive edge in the market. So, to match up the competition level, you need to migrate to Magento 2.0 so that you keep enjoying the innovations that keep happening over Magento.
  3. Better Performance  
    A new version means new features, which means enhanced performance. Magento 2.0 has many new features which substantially enhance its performance. It has better and faster add-to-cart functionalities and response time. It has easier and quicker checkout options. It is also more mobile-friendly than Magento 1. Moreover, Magento 2 has been developed with an improved user interface, which offers a lot better user experience. With all these things, the performance of your website can highly scale.

Also Read:
Magento 1 Support Ending From June 2020
Magento 2.3 Feature – Made things Smarter for E-commerce

Magento 2.3 1024x683 1

With all these reasons, migration to the newer version is beneficial for you as Magento 2.0 is far more superior to the older version. Moreover, the security threats and competition drawback that you will face with sticking to the older version do not leave you a choice but to migrate. And the sooner you get done with that, the sooner you will be ready to start gaining from the advantages.  

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
  1. What will be the best time for me to migrate to Magento 2.0?  
    Migrating to Magento 2.0 is no longer a choice. If you want to keep your website and online store functional and competitive, you need to migrate to the newer version. And it will be best for you to do it at the earliest so that you stay ready and equipped when the support for Magento 1 goes.
  2. How much time will it take to migrate my website?  
    It does not take much time to migrate a website from Magento 1 to Magento 2. However, the exact time frame cannot be a standard one. It depends on your store, its size, your needs, and expectations. You can get to know a predictable time frame from discussion with an experienced Magento developer.  

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