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Integrated Flutter Mobile App with Oracle POS System Using Odoo APIs for Restaurants

About Project

An IT company in Dubai built an IT system for restaurants to manage their menus, orders, invoices, and other data. They had clients in Dubai and Turkey. The company was facing challenges in streamlining the QR-based order management process for their restaurant IT solution. They wanted to create a seamless experience that would integrate both a mobile application and the Oracle Symphony POS system.

The company recognized the complexity of bridging these two independent solutions. They sought the expertise of Zehntech professionals to help them. Zehntech proposed an Odoo-based solution that could serve as a common platform, facilitating the integration of the mobile app and the Oracle Symphony POS.

Odoo Integrations Solution
Odoo Order Management System
Odoo Integrations


20 Days

Release date

Release date

Apr 2023

working (1)

Working Hours

100 Hours



20 Days

Release date

Release date

Apr 2023

working (1)

Working Hours

100 Hours

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Business Challenge

The client faced several business challenges due to the independent management of their POS and QR-based mobile ordering system. This resulted in disjointed invoice processing and management, as well as customer data.

  • Invoice processing was fragmented across different platforms, which made it difficult to keep track of invoices and payments.
  • Customers were unable to make partial payments, which limited their payment options.
  • The inability to link customers to tables for ordering caused operational complications.
  • The security framework was undefined, which raised concerns about data protection.

These challenges hampered operational efficiency, increased costs, and posed potential security risks.

Business Solution

The client faced several challenges, including the need to integrate their systems, streamline operations, enhance security, and improve the customer experience. To address these challenges, they sought a solution that would bridge the gaps and bring about operational excellence.


Zehntech helped clients to develop an Order Management System (OMS) for the restaurant, by carefully planning and considering various features to ensure the efficient and accurate processing of orders. The solution included:


Integration of Mobile App and POS System

The mobile app was providing data in JSON format, but the POS system only understands and provides data in XML format. To overcome this challenge, we built REST APIs in Python using the Odoo framework to establish communication between the mobile app and the Oracle POS system. In this case, the REST APIs allow the mobile app to send JSON data to the POS system, and the POS system to send XML data to the mobile app.

Restaurant Authentication and Authorization

Restaurants can request access to the Odoo system through mobile apps. The Odoo system will then automatically verify the identity of the restaurants and authorize them with the help of Oracle POS data to access the system through its APIs.

Order Creation and Updation

Customers can create new orders, add items to existing orders, and make customized requests through mobile app. The data from the mobile app is stored and processed in the Odoo system.

Order Tracking

Provides a real-time dashboard for staff to track the status of orders in three stages: received, in progress, and completed. Alerts staff when orders are ready to be served. This system built on Odoo and integrated with Oracle POS, so staff can also see the order status in the POS system.
Invoice and Accounting
We integrated and done some customization in Invoice and accounting modules in the system to manage payments, invoices and other financial data.

Payment Processing

Securely process payments using a variety of methods, including credit cards, mobile wallets, and cash on delivery. Also handle split bills and tips. Payment process set with the help of APS (Amazon Payment Services) for secure and seamless transactions.

Scalability and performance

To ensure that the system can handle high traffic during peak hours without performance degradation, we built an architecture diagram that can scale to meet the demand. This diagram was then implemented in Odoo.SH, which provides a scalable and secure hosting platform.


We have implemented robust security measures to protect customer data and payment information. These measures include

Building only private APIs that require key authorizations.

Regularly updating and patching the system to address security vulnerabilities.

Providing Odoo maintenance to ensure that the system is always up to date with the latest security patches.

Applied Technologies

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micros simphony oracle
APS Amazon Payment Services

Our Role in Client Success

This Odoo-based solution provided a comprehensive solution for managing restaurant operations. It allowed the restaurant owner to monitor every aspect of the order process from the administrative end. This included functionalities such as table booking, order management, invoicing, and payments. By integrating these critical components, the owner was able to see the live order status and create invoices in Odoo accordingly. The status of the orders was then passed to the POS system.


This approach not only enhanced the efficiency of the order management process, but it also gave the restaurant owner a clear vision to effectively oversee and track all aspects of the restaurant business. This ensured a seamless experience for both staff and customers.

Group 133162

“We were facing challenges in streamlining our QR-based order management process. Zehntech helped us to implement an Odoo-based solution that has made our order management process more efficient and seamless. We are now able to monitor every aspect of the order process from the administrative end, which has given us a clear vision to effectively oversee our restaurant business. We are very happy with the results and would recommend Zehntech to other businesses.”

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